Monday, November 20, 2006

the struggle (part 7)

Katherina Chapuis, Untitled (2004)

anger is madness

pilate asked “what is Truth?” in the hope that by asking the question he could avoid the answer, much as one tries to ward off insanity by asking “am i crazy?”. but it is a mistake to point to the brokenness of being human and take refuge in scepticism as pilate did. instead brokenness is the opening to Truth.

1. powerful, commanding authority, capable of achieving and possessing, forceful;
2. the ability to perform sexually, said of a male
beware, these are not two different definitions

it should not come as a surprise that the site, both geographic and intellectual, which occidentals call the middle east is seen not only as exotic, but as something erotic: a place where sexuality is unleashed in the absence of the civilizing impulse. no matter the truth, the face of this middle east will be the niqaabi. this eroticized vision is a necessary part of western policy towards the region: the world where potency must be demonstrated. the violence and eroticism cannot be separated. so it is no accident that the two constant images that mesmerize the mainstream occidental media are the militant and the restrained, and thus sexually available, woman.

the nomad and the pilgrim are an important bulwark against fascism because they know that home is not a matter of birth, but of ecstasy. this is why it is important to “proclaim that the people must hajj” so that “they will come from the farthest locations.”

a short definition of human nature: ecstasy

barbarism: the belief that nature is fate

if one truly desires the Whole one can have no nation or natus. water washes away blood.


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