Sunday, December 3, 2006

no wonder...

friday afternoon, She got off work a bit earlier than normal and so dinner was not quite ready when she got home (more to the point, our second-turkey of the season still needed to baste for another half hour). so She went upstairs, changed clothes and grabbed a book. She sat in the afternoon sun in a chair by the window and began to read. i brought her something to drink and a small plate of cheese and crackers to tide her over until dinner was ready (otherwise She has a tendency to take a jar of peanut butter, a spoon, and ruin her dinner; and i didn't just spend all afternoon on a SECOND turkey for that!). contented, She disappeared into her book and was hardly heard from again until dinner was on the table.

as She sat down and began to eat the hot meal, fresh from the oven, She says:

"now i understand why men didn't want to give this up."



Anonymous said...

Priceless :)

Lawrence of Arabia said...

i dunno......something about "the more things change..."??


Anonymous said...

It's "don't" not "didn't." She's living in the future.

Lawrence of Arabia said...

fair point! ah well, hope springs eternal, eh?