Wednesday, March 7, 2007

the lies of conscience (forgetting lebanon)

tonight i am reading kant: kant who argued that one's love of god was shown in one's attentiveness to the moral law: kant for whom god never appeared to us directly but in whom we could not help but believe because humanity was driven by a desire for the infinite: kant who dreamt that perpetual peace was indeed possible, that it was our hope.

this post from last year recalls the horrific events in lebanon last summer.

best wishes to everyone this evening,

Chris DeBurgh and Elissa, "Lebanese Night" (2002)

We sleep peacefully
We sleep deeply, dreaming of
what we will do tomorrow
how we will spend our wealth
who we will love...
We sleep luxuriously, on a quiet night
with a clean conscience
wrapped warmly in the silken sheets of the blood of Others.


"The War in Lebanon - Listen" (July 2006)

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